

The Healthy Snack Solutions Team continues to celebrate the start of the autumn season by sharing some of our favorite fall food items! This week’s Superfood Spotlight focuses on a favorite – PUMPKIN! They’re not only fun to carve and decorate for Halloween, but they’re a nutritious and delicious ingredient for anyone’s healthy lifestyle!
You might not have known this, but pumpkin is packed with vitamins and minerals! One cup of cooked pumpkin has more potassium than a banana, 3 grams of fiber and packed with beta-carotene! Incorporating into your lifestyle can help promote healthy weight loss, boost eye health and reduce the symptoms of arthritis! There is so much more to pumpkin than meets the eye, so find out more about this fall food below:
Awesome, right? Bet you didn’t know that some of our favorite snack brands also use parts of the pumpkin for their healthy products – Lesser Evil makes delicious Veggie Sticks that include pumpkin, Superseedz roasts their pumpkin seeds and has several unique flavor combinations, and 88 Acres Seed and Protein Bars all contain pumpkin seeds!
You can have fun with pumpkin this fall season in the kitchen too! Roast, bake or puree some up for your family to try! You can even start out by just trying their seeds! Are you a fan of pumpkin or maybe you want to give it a try? Let us know!